Are you an awakened healer and leader eager to tap into your intuition and harness the power of divination tools like tarot + numerology to guide your personal growth and decision-making?
Do you lack confidence in using these tools effectively and yearn for a supportive and structured learning environment that can empower you to unlock your intuitive gifts?
If so, The Frequency Lounge is designed specifically for you. Join our community of like-minded souls and gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to embrace your intuition, enhance your personal development journey, and step into your role as a powerful healer and leader in your community.

Tune In to your inner guidance system



Put the techniques you learn into practice during monthly group coaching sessions. This is a safe place where everyone is working on their own intuitive journey.

Each session will build your intuitive muscles. Join live or on the replay!

 If you would like a reading buddy, we will have a space to sign up for this!

Every session will be recorded and available to you in our Kajabi app on the web or on your phone. We will have a private FB community for your questions and interaction.

Adding tarot, oracle, and numerology readings as an additional revenue stream to your healing or coaching business can be a wonderful way to provide value to your clients and expand your offerings.


My journey to self-discovery involved spending countless hours reading, journaling, and reflecting on Numerology and tarot, studying and embodying emotional mastery and Universal Law, and mastering Energy Work through becoming a Reiki Master Teacher over two decades. I have also embodied and been certified in Quantum Expansion or QUE, an energetic creation modality. Through this process, I experienced significant personal growth and gained a better understanding of myself. 


To truly become self-actualized, we must first know ourselves. These modalities provide an excellent way to tap into our intuitive gifts and connect with our inner selves. 


Although society may try to put us in boxes, we don't have to stay there. Let's break free from the limitations that others impose on us and live the fulfilling lives we deserve. 


Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic confidence.

"I am so grateful to Jen Kohler! I have received many card pulls from her. They are always spot on and just what I need to hear at the time. I always feel called higher to a greater purpose. Time with Jen Kohler is one of the happy places during my week."

Pamela Volk

"I've had numerous card readings from Jen and each one has left me in awe! I absolutely love the connection and the space she provides."

Tricia Rusher-Ferretto


Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:

Monthly Subscription


  • Pre-recorded modules to learn to read tarot
  • Evolving and expanding workbooks and worksheets
  • Private FB community and Kajabi portal
  • Weekly Frequency Upgrade
  • Quarterly Masterclass about intuition, energy, and awakening with an exclusive workbook

Pay Yearly


  • Pre-recorded modules to learn to read tarot
  • Evolving and expanding workbooks and worksheets
  • Private FB community and Kajabi portal
  • Weekly Frequency Upgrade
  • Quarterly Masterclass about intuition, energy, and awakening with an exclusive workbook
  • Divine Purpose Numerology Blueprint ($250 value)

Refund Policy

We have a no-refund policy.